Calculated to Inflame and Offend

In language clearly calculated to inflame and offend, anti-abortion extremist Randall Terry has issued a provocative press release suggesting that Catholic voters are “the ‘new Negro’ of the Democratic Party.” Terry lays out various court cases — including the 1944 U.S. Supreme Court’s Smith v. Allwright case that struck down the Texas Democratic Party’s all-white […]

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It’s a cold and stunning effort to use the Nazis’ systematic murder of millions of Jews before and during World War II to promote a political agenda today.  We just saw a press release in which a Texas-based right-wing litigation group peddles the argument that the Holocaust, abortion and evolution are all connected. Check out […]

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2011 in Quotes: Women’s Health

The right in 2011 continued to pursue a dangerous political agenda that undermines women’s health and reproductive rights. Even access to contraception has become a political battleground. Read more quotes from the far right in 2011 here. “Of course it’s a war on birth control, abortion, everything — that’s what family planning is supposed to […]

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Allen Parker Pwnd

Federal District Judge Sam Sparks has had just about enough of attorney Allen Parker’s attempts to grandstand on the pending sonogram lawsuit (courtesy of BurkaBlog): However, the Court is forced to conclude that Allen E. Parker, Jr., the attorney whose signature appears on this motion, is anything but competent. A competent attorney would not have […]

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‘Of Course It’s a War on Birth Control’

Wayne Christian lets the truth slip in an interview with the Texas Tribune: Of course it’s a war on birth control, abortion, everything — that’s what family planning is supposed to be about. [youtube=] This wasn’t a momentary slip of the tongue. Christian is just saying out loud what many Texas lawmakers believe — and […]

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