Religion in the 2012 Elections

Some thought that as Rick Perry faded from the presidential race, so would the culture wars. And then we saw a late push by evangelicals in favor of former Sen. Rick Santorum in the Iowa caucuses. That is why on January 25 in Houston the Texas Freedom Network will give you two unique opportunities to […]

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Panic Mode?

Is the religious right about to hit panic mode after Mitt Romney edged out Rick Santorum in the Iowa Republican presidential caucuses? POLITICO reports that James Dobson (Focus on the Family), Don Wildmon (American Family Association), Gary Bauer (American Values) and other movement leaders have been invited to a confab next weekend at the Texas […]

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‘War on Birth Control’ Marches On

Religious-right leaders say they want to limit government’s authority — except when it comes to regulating private decisions they don’t like. On Monday, for example, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said states should be able to ban birth control. The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down such laws as violations of a right to privacy […]

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Perry Signs Controversial Marriage Pledge

Seeking to revive his troubled presidential campaign, Texas Gov. Rick Perry appears to have returned to a tactic he’s often used in the past: pandering to far-right groups that demonize gay families and promote intolerance and discrimination toward other favorite targets. The Des Moines Register’s political news website reports that Gov. Perry has signed a […]

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Coordinated Anti-Mormonism?

Mormonism, or the attacks on it, is in the news again this morning following a story in The Daily Beast that cites emails between a Christian radio executive and well-known religious-right activist David Lane. The emails between Lane and Dick Bott of the Bott Radio Network seem to indicate the two were in cahoots to […]

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