Sen. Patrick Gives Texans an Odd Lesson on Civil Rights

Did you know that students attending private schools in Texas today face discrimination like African-American students did during the era of racial segregation? Sen. Dan Patrick, the Republican chairman of the Texas Senate Education Committee, seems to think so.

Sen. Patrick was speaking at Tuesday’s Education Committee hearing on Senate Bill 573, a measure that would permit private and religious schools as well as home-schoolers to compete with public schools in the state’s University Interscholastic League (UIL):

“When you say the UIL has functioned for a hundred years, and everybody’s been happy, if you were black in this state before the civil rights movement, it didn’t function for you. And now I feel there’s discrimination against Catholics and Christians in these parochial schools. And the same testimony would have been given before this committee in the 1950s, ‘it’s going to be an unlevel playing field if we let those black players play.’ You know, traditions must be broken, people must be accepted, and no one should be discriminated in Texas, and we’re one of only four states that do not allow this this. And I really hope the coaches would remember what happened in the civil rights movement because there were many coaches who didn’t want a black player on the field because it ‘wasn’t going to be a level playing field,’ ‘it wouldn’t be fair.’ And it’s the best thing that ever happened in this state.”

The Texas Freedom Network has taken no position on this bill, but Sen. Patrick’s lecture certainly raised eyebrows. He was echoing comments made earlier by other supporters of SB 573, including Tim Lambert of the Texas Home School Coalition and megachurch pastor John Hagee of San Antonio. They both likened the current policy against UIL membership for private schools and home-schoolers to discrimination against African-Americans and other minorities. Hagee even referred to the infamous “separate but equal” argument that racial segregationists used.

That’s apparently because students at an awful, hellish private school campus like this one in Texas today…


… are somehow disadvantaged like these students in a school for black students in 1941.


Seriously, guys?

12 thoughts on “Sen. Patrick Gives Texans an Odd Lesson on Civil Rights

  1. Is it possible he actually believes what he’s saying? If so, perhaps he received the standard whitewashed version of history in school. Oh, I don’t think even that explains his argument.

  2. @ Charles…..prison indeed. Keeping out all the diversity of thought from which our country’s strength is derived. I have such sympathy for the children who do not experience public schools. And….such sympathy for people who are represented by Sen. Patrick.

  3. The picture on top shows a baseball diamond, what looks like 4 tennis courts, football/track & field and who-know-what inside the buildings. That bit of real estate could play host to quite a few kids — home schooled, other private schools, maybe even some public school events. Whats’s his point?

  4. Yes, I’m outraged by his seriously misguided opinion. Patrick, is a dolt–he doesn’t even know Catholics are Christians–the first ones.

  5. From what I’ve gained from whatSenator Patrick was attempting to communicate is that instead of celebrating this Senate Bill 573, which is a measure that would permit private and religious schools as well as home-schoolers to compete with public schools in the state’s University Interscholastic League (UIL):he BRINGS UP AND HEADLINES WHAT HAPPENED SO LONG AGO. When Senator Patrick sent his message to those of us to hear, he apparently isn’t sending the message NOT that he’s happy with what is going to happen. Since 1962, which made segragation outlawed and not consitutional, however, it’s almost he’s sending ‘MIXED MESSAGES’ that he really isn’t happy about this new measure or break from (ethical improvement from) those of Old Jim Crow Laws that the South of the Mason-Dixon Line has always had silently hidden and then they are raise up to show all that there are still those who still believes in these beliefs and they are NOT dead after all. I will say very loudly, the infamous “separate but equal” argument that racial segregationists used is NO LONGER acceptable and probably this comment is one reason section #5 of the Voting Rights Bill should remain within our 1962 Law FOREVER. (THESE COMMENTS MADE BY BOTH MEN) And with regards to making a difference between Catholics and Christians…in the Constitution there is written that there will be Separation of Church and State, and THAT NO MATTER WHAT COLOR a citizen is, ONE IS SEEN TO BE, OR WHAT RELIGION ONE HOLDS CLOSE TO ONE’S HEART, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL AND AT TO TREATED THAT WAY. Senator Patrick seems to be to be celebrating yesterday’s views of how everyone SHOULD BE ABLE TO MIX and be able to participate within these activities. His comments are those which can be construde/sent to all that he really doesn’t agree with what what’s in the Constitution and what comes out of what he has said is not free of ‘what is was, was better to my mind.’ Texas seems to enjoy denying, taking away rights (already given and cemented by the Supreme Court), and ignoring that all who live in these United States are free, equal and that relgion and being different are separate issues, with Separation of Church and State taking priority. I live in Texas, not from Texas, and isn’t it too bad that I can tell the difference from what I hear and what I know that these differences are, which makes this whole country unique, and that everyone has guaranteed rights. Being Separate is NOT EQUAL.

  6. If the parents want their children to participate in UIL, then they should enroll them in public schools. Perhaps the religious schools, private schools and home schoolers could get together and have their own academic and athletic contests for their children. Private schools, religious schools and home schoolers continue to try to benefit from public education funding.

  7. The racist bigotry is strong in Mr. Patrick. Perhaps, as another writer commented, the private, religious and home schooled children should create their own athletic contests and stop trying to benefit from public education funding. They’ve certainly got the money.

  8. With the increase in charter and private schools, are we not asking for SEGREGATION again??? Take care of public education. Don’t “kick to the curb.”

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