RR Group Says Health Care Reform Shows Americans Are Selfish and Indulgent

Last week we saw far-right critics comparing health care reform to slavery and suggesting that U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is mentally unstable. Now pressure groups on the right seem to have decided to insult everyday Americans as well. The Texas chapter of Concerned Women for America sent out an email Friday broadly attacking the health care reform law and the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold it:

“The condition in which we find ourselves cannot be blamed on anything other than the American people who in their selfish indifference and indulgence bestowed leadership on people who then misused the responsibility.”

So a religious-right group that opposes a law designed to expand health care coverage to 30 million Americans, including children and adults who otherwise can’t get such coverage because they are already too ill or too poor, is calling supporters of that law selfish and indulgent? Seriously?

The CWA of Texas email goes on to invite reform opponents to the group’s “Culture Warriors in Action” conference in September in Austin. In a separate email, CWA of Georgia also picked up on the “culture war” theme in attacking health care reform:

“(O)ne truth has not changed — God is still sovereign over all kings and those in authority. No Supreme Court decision, no dishonest administration, no one will ever diminish the power of the Lord our God. He was, is and will always be the all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever present God of the Ages.”

CWA’s national director also got in on the act, sending out an email calling the Supreme Court’s decision “a declaration of war on our freedom.”

Health care reform is an issue outside the Texas Freedom Network’s mission, but we deplore the extremism we see in the these cynical and divisive attacks. The right’s outrageous efforts to demonize both the law and its supporters and its determination to drag the issue into the nation’s raging culture wars are downright shameful.


6 thoughts on “RR Group Says Health Care Reform Shows Americans Are Selfish and Indulgent

  1. “(O)ne truth has not changed — God is still sovereign over all kings and those in authority. No Supreme Court decision, no dishonest administration, no one will ever diminish the power of the Lord our God. He was, is and will always be the all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever present God of the Ages.”


  2. This rant by Concerned Women is actually quite childish. There is a definite “I’m going to go home and get my big brother and he’ll whup your ass” feel to it, in this case the big brother being God.

    The author of this diatribe also has a bad case of arrested development and clearly exibits the emotional maturity of a 13 year old. The fact that she had to resort to playing the God card shows a lack of intelligence. The author likely has an IQ in the low 90s, dropped out of high school or barely made it through, primarily by cheating on her tests.

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