New TFN Insider Design Coming

We are about to implement a new design and features that better integrate TFN Insider and the Texas Freedom Network’s main website. So we apologize in advance for any technical hiccups that might happen over the next couple of days.

We hope you will like the new design. Like the one we’ve had since launching TFN Insider in July 2008, the new design is pretty streamlined and easy to navigate. In fact, it’s very similar to our current website. What’s not changing is our goal to help TFN Insider readers stay informed about the religious right in Texas and our efforts to protect religious freedom, individual liberties and public education for all.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and for helping spread the word about TFN’s important work. You might be interested to know that TFN Insider is about to reach an important milestone for the blog of a nonprofit, state-based advocacy group: 1 million views since launch. The healthy traffic to this blog is due in large part to readers like you who contribute your own comments and share our posts on your own blogs, your Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and other social media.

Thank you!

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