Erasing Dolores Huerta from History?


Have you been checking our #ThrowBackTexas page, where we look at what happened when right-wingers on the State Board of Education vandalized social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools four years ago? Even the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute has called the U.S. History standards adopted by the state board back in 2010 a “politicized distortion of history” filled with “misrepresentations at every turn.” Among the changes far-right board members made to the standards was deleting revered labor organizer and civil rights icon Dolores Huerta.

Now the state board is considering new textbooks based on those deeply flawed and heavily politicized curriculum standards. The state board will hold two public hearings on the textbooks this fall and is scheduled to vote on which ones to adopt for Texas public schools in November.

Click here to find out how you can help ensure that Texas students get accurate textbooks that are based on facts and honest scholarship instead of the personal and political agendas of right-wing politicians on the State Board of Education.

And keep an eye on our #ThrowBackTexas page for updates every Thursday.

One thought on “Erasing Dolores Huerta from History?

  1. These GDammed repubs will stop at nothing to keep the children of Texas as dumb and uninformed as they are. What a sorry bunch of asses they all are.

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