Does Money Speak Louder Than Words?

Is the amount of money people give to their church an indicator of how devoted they are to their faith? What if a person has ambitious political goals that include the White House? What if that person is the governor of large state? Namely, what if that person is Rick Perry?

Those are all questions being asked in a San Antonio Express-News story published over the weekend that delves into the amount of money Gov. Perry has given to the church during his time in office.

The Express-News found that Gov. Perry has given an amount of money that’s well below the average amount other Americans give to their churches.

The story came about following Gov. Perry’s announcement that he would team with a hate group group — the American Family Association — to hold a prayer and fasting rally later this summer, prompting criticisms from many that the the governor was using faith as a political weapon.

A spokesman for Gov. Perry responded to the Express-News story:

“Gov. Perry agrees tithing is important and what he has given to the church should not be discounted. Additionally, tithing is only one aspect of a person’s faith, and the personal decision of each family.

“Gov. Perry has followed his words with action regarding his own faith, having taken many opportunities to stand up for people of faith and promote values important to the church, including signing legislation that protects religious expression, protects unborn life and promotes adoption.”

So what do you think? Is it fair to question someone’s faith because of the amount of money they give to the church? Are the criticisms valid given that the governor has not been shy about elevating his faith into the political arena and given the prominent role he will play at this summer’s prayer event in Houston?

4 thoughts on “Does Money Speak Louder Than Words?

  1. Texas politics were born in conzpiracy, first against Mexico, then against the Union, then against Union Occupation, then against the Reconstruction Amendments (13,14, 15) and now as a matter of deeply seated habit. The political parties and other organizations want your money, but not your opinion,

  2. Without money institutions like churches wither. Belief in hell makes some people give to churches hoping to avoid it.
    Churches which don’t emphasize hell or immortal punishment for lifetime behaviors don’t seem to members to need money.
    The Governor of our state doesn’t seem to believe in all the theism of Texas right wing voters. He doesn’t give enough to
    keep any church solvent. It’s a belief just like the right wing conservatives have about state government. Why should I give
    to help someone else? It’s just so damn hard to step over the needy, that’s why! Move to Calcutta if you want to live that way.
    As for me I say Rick Perry’s beliefs of all kinds are so scary that I would probably leave the USA if he were President.
    He is unable to cope with the domestic affairs of one state. Think what he might opine about foreign affairs. Does he know
    where Tagikistan is? Can he find Libya on a map?
    Marilyn Stavinoha

  3. Well, the Bible has explicit things to say about the relationship of devotion and money given to the Temple. E.g. how the poor widow has given much more than the rich man, although hers were just two tiny coins and his a big bag of cash. Not to forget some nasty things about trying to bribe the Lord or buying the ticket to heaven with money.

  4. It is consistent with the Law of Inverse Attribution in which one brags with one’s weakest virtue and blames with one’s biggest vice(s. As such the Law of Inverse Chanity accounts for direct correlation with the size of the donation, and the size of the Dastard which is inversely related with the charitable nature of the Dastard towards the Destitute/

    There’s a mathematical solution for everything. Remember Numbers?

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