We SO Can’t Resist This One…

From a report about a new study: Those states that … consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds. “Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by,” […]

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What’s in a Name?

The folks at Free Market Foundation think their organization needs a new name. The Focus on the Family affiliate in Texas spends a lot of time trying to use government for promoting conservative  Christianity and suing school districts that resist. So in an e-mail blast asking supporters for help with a new name, they acknowledge that the “Free […]

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Texas Needs YOU

If you’re a regular visitor to TFN Insider, you know that sound science is under siege in Texas. We have one of the highest teen birthrates in the country, but extremists demand that public schools teach abstinence-only in sexuality education classes. Creationists on the State Board of Education are trying to dumb down the public […]

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Backlash from the Right on Sex Ed

We didn’t have to wait long to start taking fire from right-wingers upset by the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s new report Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools. Just five hours after we released the report, TFN staffers received an e-mail blast from right-wing gadfly Donna Garner. You might remember Garner. […]

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Read the Report: Sex Education in Texas Schools

Today the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a major new study detailing how public schools in our state teach young people about sexuality and health. And the news is not good. Our new report — Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools — conclusively demonstrates that Texas is failing families and students when […]

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