Take Action: Call Reps on Sex Ed Amendments

Texas Freedom Network is sending out the following Action Alert. Please forward this link to anyone interested in supporting responsible sex education. More than decade of stubborn commitment by policy-makers to failed abstinence-only programs in Texas schools have had disastrous consequences: Texas ranks third in teen births and first in multiple births to teens. Parenthood […]

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More Silliness from Ken Mercer on the SBOE

Ever wonder how a widely used math textbook could illegally promote “New Age religion”? If not, you clearly don’t share the same wild imagination as creationists in Texas do. Texas State Board of Education member Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, seems to have taken on the role of chief defender of the board’s creationist faction. Now […]

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First State Ed Board Bill Passes Texas Lege

On Friday the Texas Senate passed legislation that requires live video and audio Webcasts of State Board of Education meetings. House Bill 772 by state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, is the only bill that focuses on the controversy-plagued state board to have now passed both the House and Senate. Currently, Texans can follow board meetings […]

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Dragging Churches into Partisan Politics

The Internal Revenue Service has ruled against a complaint filed by the Texas Freedom Network asking whether a tax-exempt, nonprofit foundation improperly sought to mobilize conservative pastors for partisan electoral purposes beginning in 2005. In January 2008 we asked the IRS to investigate whether the Houston-based Niemoller Foundation improperly engaged in partisan political activity on […]

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For the Kooky File

The level of paranoia on the far right is off the scale. Today Cathie Adams, head of Texas Eagle Forum, sent out an e-mail blast attacking legislation that would create a workgroup to develop recommendations for integrating health and behavioral health services in Texas. [Texas Eagle Forum] stopped a similar bill the last two sessions […]

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