Learn How to Defend America from Missiles!

Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum is offering such a deal. In an e-mail today, the far-right group is pitching the “How to Take Back America Conference” in St. Louis later this month. “Space is extremely limited” at the conference’s hotel, we’re told. But despite the apparent high interest, Eagle Forum is keeping the “early bird conference […]

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Dunbar vs. Obama, Round 2

Oh, you just knew this wouldn’t take long, right? Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, is wading into the “controversy” over President Obama giving a speech to students next week about the importance of staying in school and getting a good education. Of course, Ms. Dunbar has already charged that the president sympathizes […]

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Anything here sound familiar? A prominent religious leader is now attacking the study of social sciences, saying it “promotes doubts and uncertainty” and “secularism.” A new development in the growing debate over social studies curriculum standards in Texas public schools? Well, not exactly. The religious leader noted above is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the “supreme leader” of Iran’s theocratic […]

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President Reagan’s Speech to Students

Far-right members of the Texas State Board of Education critical of President Obama’s planned speech to students next week apparently have selective memories. While they’re concerned that the president will politicize classrooms and try to “indoctrinate” students with a political agenda they oppose (even though the speech is simply about the importance of staying in […]

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‘Best of Austin’

We were humbled to find out this morning that readers of the Austin Chronicle have voted Texas Freedom Network Austin’s “Best Nonprofit/Activist Group” and our president, Kathy Miller, as “Best Activist.” We are truly grateful for the recognition and support for our work on behalf of public education, religious freedom and individual liberties. The truth […]

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