Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “There’s a cultural war going on in our society today. I feel that homosexual behavior is an affront to the family values of one man-one woman, and homosexual behavior, to any society that’s embraced it, has led to the extinction of that society.” — Dave Wilson, longtime anti-gay activist, defending his […]

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Praying for God to Kill the President

Wow. Just, well … wow. It seems that some folks are now driving around with bumper stickers that read, “Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8.” What does that Bible verse say? “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.” And what does that mean? The verse that immediately follows clears up any ambiguity: […]

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Social Studies and Xenophobia

We told you things would get worse. Sadly, we were right. Peter Morrison is one of a number of right-wing extremists Texas State Board of Education members have placed on social studies curriculum committees. We have noted Morrison’s nativist and anti-government screeds in the past. Now he is using this month’s mass murder at Fort Hood […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “It’s pretty clear the organizational Republican Party in the state has been pretty much totally captured by the extreme right, with Cathie Adams being the most recent example by winning the vote in their executive committee.” — Richard Murray, a University of Houston political scientist, in a story about the Texas governor’s […]

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Far-right Activists Descend on Texas SBOE

The Texas State Board of Education has made clear that it will hold a public hearing on proposed social studies curriculum standards in January. But far-right pressure groups apparently decided to preempt that hearing today. Despite no prior public indication from the board that there would be extensive testimony on the standards today, nearly two […]

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