Ask Him about the Nazis, David

David Barton, head of the Texas-based, Christian-right group WallBuilders, has an interesting guest for his Internet talk show this week. Barton will talk to Brad Dacus, head of the anti-gay Pacific Justice Institute in California. Dacus was a prominent support of Proposition 8, which in 2008 took away the right of gay and lesbian Californians […]

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What a Paine That Might Have Been…

This month’s Texas State Board of Education meeting featured many examples of how poorly informed some board members really are. Over a two-day period, the board picked apart a proposed draft of new social studies curriculum standards that teachers, scholars and other community members had spent a year researching, discussing and debating. Often the amendments […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Do you want a Texas version of San Francisco? Neither do we! Do you want Texas to be the abortion capital of America? Neither do we!” — David Grisham of Amarillo, on a Web site that urges people to boycott Houston because the city’s residents elected a gay mayor and Planned […]

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Slavery and the Good Ol’ Days?

Last week’s public hearing on proposed social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools drew an interesting assortment of right-wing groups and ideologues. In fact, as the State Board of Education heard testimony inside the meeting room, Tea Partiers rallied in the lobby. The “rally” — if you can call it that — seemed mostly to […]

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SBOE Campaign Finance Update

Less than three weeks into the 2010 election year, it appears that Texas State Board of Education incumbent Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, has the best-financed challenger among contested state board races. Campaign finance reports were due from candidates by January 15. These reports cover the last six months of 2009. The next finance reports are due […]

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