Blame the Gays

Didn’t think the curriculum battle in Texas could get any loonier? Guess again. Now right-wingers have decided that the controversy over social studies standards in Texas is part of a big homosexual conspiracy to undermine the education of young people. That’s the gist of a new e-mail screed sent out by Donna Garner, the right-wing […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “I believe that all dinosaurs were born of Satanic angel who has sex with woman and the animal kingdom that created ungodly reptilian creatures none of these were on the Ark.” — Stephen Johnson, a veteran Dallas County jail guard, discussing his beliefs about the origin of dinosaurs. Johnson has been […]

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Blacklisting Texas Textbooks

And so it begins. It was only a matter of time before concerned citizens in other states began launching efforts to stop their public schools from buying textbooks written by publishers to meet the increasingly politicized curriculum standards adopted by the State Board of Education in Texas. Jim Broadway, publisher of the State School News […]

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Hypocrisy and Cathie Adams

Remember when we warned you about the extremist politics of Cathie Adams? When the former head of the far-right Texas Eagle Forum was named chair of the Texas Republican Party last fall, we noted her shameful attacks in the past on President Obama’s faith, Hispanic immigrants and former Texas Gov. Ann Richards. Now she’s got […]

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It’s Time to Act: The ‘Just Educate’ Campaign

Have you had enough? Last week’s Texas State Board of Education meeting was yet another debacle for honest and sound education. Last year the board’s creationist faction worked to water down instruction on evolution in science classrooms. The year before that they tried (but failed) to force politically approved reading lists into language arts and literature classrooms. Now the […]

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