Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips:

“They are ridiculed and criticized, not only by Democrats, but also by Republicans. It’s not a Democrat or Republican issue. It’s an issue of what’s best for our educational system.”

— State Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, discussing legislation he plans to file to get rid of the Texas State Board of Education.

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6 thoughts on “Talking Points

  1. What will that do to Texas’ bid to win the “Race to prove you’re the most backward state” contest? We’re in first place right now, cruising well ahead of South Carolina and even Alabama and Mississippi.

  2. Ain’t it amazing how these dumb Hispanic brutes with raw fingers from picking lettuce have this amazing way of hitting the nail right square on the head with just a few words. Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d say that guy was a real American who had been to college right here in the United States and might even be a citizen. Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What will that do to Texas’ bid to win the “Race to prove you’re the most backward state” contest? We’re in first place right now, cruising well ahead of South Carolina and even Alabama and Mississippi.

    How happy is Kansas right now?

  4. Is there NO WAY of getting rid of those uneducated, ignorant knuckle-draggers? In essence they are saying, “Let’s ignore the experts and use our propaganda in its place.”

    There is a little thing getting in their way, The Constitution of the United States. We are by no means a Christian Country; if so the Constitution would say so; but it does not.

    In his book “The Greatest Show on Earth,” Richard Dawkins (c) 2009, he poses the question, “Only A Theory,” and then goes on to discuss what a theory is; it is by no means a hunch or a guess. Grab hold of a copy, you don’t be disappointed.

    We cannot afford to be the laughing stock of America, or the world, for that matter. Dump the SBOE, the Silly Bunch Opposing Evolution.

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