Bullies and the Religious Right

The message from Texans was loud and clear in the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s statewide survey last spring: 88 percent of likely voters said they support “requiring public schools to protect all children from bullying, harassment, and discrimination in school, including the children of gay and lesbian parents or teenagers who are gay.” Far-right […]

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Help TFN Celebrate 15 Years Tonight!

Come help us celebrate at the Texas Freedom Network’s 15th anniversary gala tonight at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin. We’ll have music, silent and live auctions, appetizers and a cash bar. The event is 7-10 p.m. at 1800 Congress, a few blocks north of the state Capitol. (Directions to the museum […]

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New SBOE Campaign Finance Reports

According to new campaign finance reports filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, two Democratic candidates are ahead of their Republican opponents in the money race in two key Texas State Board of Education elections on Nov. 2. Candidates have filed reports for campaign donations and expenditures for the period from July 1 to September 23. […]

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Group: ‘Textbook Approval Is Power’

We told you yesterday how the old warhorse of the right-wing censorship movement in Texas, Educational Research Analysts, works to intimidate publishers and promote a divisive ideological agenda in public school textbooks. As we reported, the group’s July newsletter called for the Texas State Board of Education to reject textbooks that are allegedly anti-Christian and […]

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Do Republicans Hate Christianity?

That seems to be a fair question. After all, a number of Republicans continue to praise the Texas State Board of Education‘s passage last month of a resolution criticizing social textbooks for — allegedly — being anti-Christian and pro-Islamic. In fact, here is Texas state Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, echoing the claims made by Republican […]

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