Sign the Letter to Gov. Perry: Stop the Hate

In just four days, nearly 1,600 people have already signed our open letter calling on Texas Gov. Rick Perry to stop associating with a vicious hate group and to make his August prayer event a truly uniting occasion rather than another “culture war” tool for dividing Americans. Gov. Perry has asked the American Family Association […]

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Time-Traveling Founders

The religious right’s favorite fake historian, David Barton, wanders into another  popular topic here at TFN Insider: evolution. And as usual, he’s a little fuzzy on the facts. You go back to the Founding Fathers, and as far as they were concerned, they’d already had the entire debate on creation/evolution. And you get Thomas Paine, […]

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Explaining Hate with Hate

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association is mad. Really, really mad. Ever since Monday when Gov. Rick Perry announced he would team with Fischer’s hate group for an all-day Christian prayer event in Houston, many, including the gang  here at TFN Insider, have pointed out just a few of the numerous odious things Fischer […]

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If At First You Don’t Succeed

State Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, just won’t give it a rest. But at least his continuing crusade to use the state budget to force his version of “traditional values” onto college campuses has given more credence to our earlier post about his true intentions — and has exposed the far-right legislator as being out of […]

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