Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, is having a tough go of it to begin her tenure as the Texas State Board of Education gavel-master. But lame “blame the media” and “you were never meant to hear that” excuses from her and her supporters (including former board chairman Don McLeroy) will do little to fix the damage […]
Recent Blogs
The Coming Storm
Just a reminder about what new chairwoman Barbara Cargill — and her five “conservative Christian” allies on the State Board of Education — have in mind for the meeting this week: I am a little bit concerned in looking at some of these science online supplementary materials. I looked at one of the links and […]
TFN Insider Will Live-Blog Science Debate
TFN Insider will be live-blogging (and live-tweeting via @TFN) from the State Board of Education’s Thursday public hearing and Friday final debate and vote on the adoption of new science instructional materials for Texas public schools. This week’s state board meeting comes two years after board members adopted curriculum standards that creationists hoped would force […]
Standing with Bigots and Extremists?
Why is Liberty Institute, the Texas affiliate of the right-wing Focus on the Family, standing with religious bigots and an extremist who hates the Statue of Liberty? It’s a question worth asking about a group that bills itself as “protecting freedom” and wanting students to learn how to be patriotic. […]
The Prophet State
A new story in the Texas Observer follows Gov. Rick Perry’s courtship of the religious right on a path to the fringes, where self-proclaimed prophets and modern-day apostles apparently like to hang out. The story, “Rick Perry’s Army of God,” starts with a description of a meeting between Gov. Perry and pastors Tom Schlueter of […]