TFN Insider Will Live-Blog Science Debate

TFN Insider will be live-blogging (and live-tweeting via @TFN) from the State Board of Education’s Thursday public hearing and Friday final debate and vote on the adoption of new science instructional materials for Texas public schools. This week’s state board meeting comes two years after board members adopted curriculum standards that creationists hoped would force publishers to challenge evolutionary science in their new instructional materials. Information about the meeting times and location is here.

The Texas news media is focusing on the story, including controversial comments from Barbara Cargill, the state board’s newly appointed chair. TFN Insider broke the news about Cargill’s comments questioning the faith of some of her board colleagues and insisting that the new science instructional materials be revised to conform to her creationist views. Check out an Austin American-Statesman editorial and stories from the Dallas Morning News and the Houston Chronicle.

2 thoughts on “TFN Insider Will Live-Blog Science Debate

  1. Well, this tells me one important thing. Babs Cargill does not know when to keep her mouth shut. I had always thought that she might be one of the lesser “ticking bombs” in that far right bunch. Knowing that this weakness is there now, I think she might be the kind that can lose control of herself easily and throw a temper tantrum like Hitler in the bunker. You’ve no doubt seen those comedy examples on You Tube.

    Because Kathy Miller is always first in line to speak, she could test those waters by going back to the CBS 60 minutes skit that they used to do on Saturday Night live in the middle 1970s and open her comments with:

    “Babs. You ignorant bitch!!! I have come before the board this morning to…”

    Of course, Kathy has too much class to do that, and it would be bad PR. However, if she would like to assign that address to one of us TFN Insiders, I feel certain that we could really make the old sparks fly.

  2. Would someone please go to [email protected] and start a petiton against these people? The average Texan never gets information like this due to their busy days since most of the news stations in Texas never cover these things. A petition to be signed by Texans may go along way in helping to keep these far rights in check. Unfortunately, I was educated in Texas and don’t have the education to go to this sight and write a petition. I hope someone else does have that education!

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