SBOE Candidate: Dexter Smith

Because of redistricting, all 15 seats on the Texas State Board of Education will be up for grabs in the November 2012 elections. The results of those elections will determine whether the religious right’s corrosive influence over public education will weaken or grow as the board considers what the next generation of public school students […]

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Using Tragedy to Push Voucher Schemes

It looks like anything is fair game for anti-public school fanatics. Peggy Venable, who directs the Texas office of (David and Charles Koch-funded) Americans for Prosperity, put up this odious Twitter post last week after police shot and killed an eighth-grade student in Brownsville: AFP-Texas tweeted the same thing. “School choice,” of course, is code […]

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Religion in the 2012 Elections

Some thought that as Rick Perry faded from the presidential race, so would the culture wars. And then we saw a late push by evangelicals in favor of former Sen. Rick Santorum in the Iowa caucuses. That is why on January 25 in Houston the Texas Freedom Network will give you two unique opportunities to […]

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Barbara Cargill Shades the Truth Again

Barbara Cargill, chair of the Texas State Board of Education, wasn’t honest with her audience at a candidate forum in Conroe (north of Houston) last night. Speaking at the forum (which was hosted by the Montgomery County Eagle Forum), Cargill claimed that she and other board members didn’t push through substantial last-minute changes, over the […]

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