Right-wing Meme: Anti-Seizure Meds Affecting John Roberts’ Mental Abilities

Searching desperately for a reason why conservative Chief Justice John Roberts sided with four other Supreme Court justices in upholding President Obama’s health care reform law on Thursday, at least some right-wingers have decided to question his mental health. Here’s what extremist Michael Savage said on his radio show: “Let’s talk about Roberts. I’m going […]

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Texas GOP Platform: Don’t Teach Kids Critical Thinking Skills!

Remember when Texas State Board of Education member David Bradley criticized teachers and scholars who were crafting new language arts and reading curriculum standards for Texas schools back in 2008? Having students actually think about what they were reading didn’t seem like a good idea to Bradley: “I’m sorry. This critical thinking stuff is gobbledygook.” Well, […]

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Health Care = Slavery?

Right-wing pooh-bahs in Texas are exploding in rage over today’s Supreme Court ruling upholding health care reform. We’ll have more coming later, but we thought this one from Michael Quinn Sullivan — head of the anti-government group Empower Texans — was really over the top. […]

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