So Where Are They?

For months Tea partyers and other assorted activists on the right have attacked the developers of the CSCOPE curriculum management system for supposedly doing their work in secrecy. They’ve screamed that parents and taxpayers are kept in the dark while the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) writes lessons that (allegedly) indoctrinate students into […]

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Equality Wins and Religious Right Loses in Texas School Board Elections

In what had become a referendum on equality, voters in the Austin-area Pflugerville Independent School District on Saturday re-elected two embattled incumbents to the district’s Board of Trustees. Religious-right activists had opposed incumbents Carol Fletcher and Mario Acosta, who last December voted for a policy offering access to health insurance benefits to the domestic partners […]

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Talking Points Plus

When someone asks you, “Did the rape guy win?” and you have to ask which one, that’s a bad sign. The above quote is from TFN founder and current Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards, and it comes from a Q&A Cecile did with the New York Times titled “What Cecile Richards Has […]

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