In this week’s episode of “The Louie ‘Terror Babies’ Gohmert Files,” the East Texas congressman expresses his rejection of both marriage equality and evolution. As our friends at Right Wing Watch report, Gohmert — speaking on a right-wing program — went on a rambling diatribe about the Supreme Court’s ruling against the Defense of Marriage […]
Recent Blogs
Thousands Come to the Capitol in Austin to Stand with Texas Women
Thousands of Texans converged on the Capitol in Austin today to send a message to the politicians meeting inside: stop interfering in the personal medical decisions women make with their own doctors. TFN staffers and supporters were out in force. We have lots of photos from the rally here. Below is a sampling. TFN founder […]
The Week in Quotes (June 23 – 29)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Join Us at the Capitol in Austin on Monday to Stand with Texas Women!
Last Tuesday, all eyes were on Texas as Sen. Wendy Davis and women’s health champions in the Texas Senate stood together to stop harmful legislation from passing. Thanks to your voice and the voices of thousands of people from across the state, women in Texas won! But this fight isn’t over — not by a […]
The War on Women: Dewhurst's Cynical Attempts at Damage Control
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst is in full damage-contol mode following last Tuesday’s debacle (for him, especially) in the Senate chamber. Today he sent out an email insisting that he will push through, in the special session that starts Monday, passage of the same legislation that failed last week — legislation that would have government […]