The far right’s war on women at the Texas Capitol didn’t end in the state Senate last weekend. Friday night’s passage of extreme anti-abortion legislation has followed years of other efforts to limit women’s access to birth control and students’ access to sex education that would help reduce teen pregnancies and the number of abortions […]
Recent Blogs
The Week in Quotes (July 7 – 13)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
The ‘Roaring Mob’
A “mob.” That’s what so many of our elected leaders think about citizens who came to the Texas Capitol in recent weeks to demand that politicians stay out of their private decisions about whether and when to have children. Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, in a sneering email to his supporters late Friday night, boasted […]
Texas Sends Message to Women: No Respect and No Tampons
As the Texas Senate prepared to pass legislation today that would put severe limits on women’s ability to make their own decisions about their reproductive health, Department of Public Safety troopers also took something else from them: their tampons. News that DPS troopers were confiscating feminine hygiene products from women wanting to watch the abortion […]
Texas Pastor Nods Along as Talk Show Host Says the Folks Pushing Abortion Rights Are Promiscuous Men 'Like Our President'
We’ve heard a lot of extreme rhetoric in the deeply divisive debate over abortion in Texas the last few weeks. Our friends at Right Wing Watch caught some of it today, when Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress spoke on a far-right American Family Association radio program. In talking about what’s happening in Texas, show host Sandy […]