Anti-Gay Pastor: Starbucks Flavors Its Coffee with 'Semen from Sodomites'

Sometimes we all need a reminder that the nuttiest anti-gay fanatics in America aren’t all from Texas and the rest of the South. The video clip above features New York City pastor James David Manning insisting that Starbucks has a special ingredient in its coffee: semen from gay men. Manning apparently read a satirical news report and ran with it. From the […]

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We accomplished a lot over the last few months. We’ve expanded the Texas electorate, we’ve started thousands of Texans down the path of becoming lifelong voters, and we’ve built new leaders that are from the communities they’re serving. Those victories cannot be ignored. Throughout this election cycle, the Texas Rising campaign trained 180 young and […]

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Make your voting plans TODAY so you're ready to go TOMORROW.

Ask yourself these questions today so you’ve got a plan to vote tomorrow. And share this with friends who might need help if it’s their first time voting. Do I know where my (not my friends’) polling place is? Here’s where to find out: Have I given myself enough time to vote? – If I’m […]

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Houston Rally: Religious-Righters Claim America Is on Nazi Path to Christian Persecution

The religious right’s fear-mongering about threats to religious freedom in America has really jumped the shark. The above clip is from the religious right’s I Stand Sunday event this past weekend in Houston. Right-wing groups sponsored the event, which was streamed to participating churches around the country. Speaker after speaker railed against abortion, marriage equality for same-sex […]

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