The Week in Quotes (Dec. 7 – 13)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Rick Perry, claiming he’s not the same candidate as he was in 2012.

Running for the presidency’s not an IQ test. It is a test of an individual’s resolve.

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Rick Perry, outgoing Texas governor, in an interview in which he also claims that Texans “don’t grapple with” inequality.

Biblically, the poor are always going to be with us in some form or fashion.

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Cecile Richards, TFN founder and current Planned Parenthood president, in an interview reflecting on 2014 and the future of reproductive health access.

We can’t be having a conversation about economic security for women and families without talking about women’s access to reproductive health care. We’ll be pushing really hard to make sure that those things are not uncoupled, because that’s not the way women live their lives.

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State Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock, R-Killeen, chairman of the House Committee on Public Education, noting the many competing education initiatives that will be taken up in next year’s legislature.

What we’re hearing politically and what we’re hearing from members is not necessarily where I want to go. All of the other discussions sort of detract from the core measure of educating kids.

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Mark Rienzi, lawyer for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, on his clients’ issues with government directives to provide access to contraception through health plans. The challenge is an outgrowth of the Hobby Lobby decision earlier this year.

It’s our plan, that’s what they want to control. Millions of people around the world get contraceptives with no nuns involved. It’s almost laughable.

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