TFN Statement on HERO Ruling

A state judge today ruled that opponents of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance did not gather enough valid petition signatures to force a repeal vote on the ordinance, which bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, religion, gender, military status and other categories. The anti-discrimination protections cover employment, housing and public […]

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This Week @ the Texas Legislature: Discrimination in Adoption, Foster Care and Child Welfare

Click below for contact information of committee members. Wednesday, April 15 House Juvenile Justice & Family Issues On Wednesday, a state House committee will take up HB 3864, by state Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney. Like the recent Indiana law that caused such backlash, this bill would authorize state-sanctioned discrimination purportedly to protect religious freedom. The […]

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This Week @ the Texas Legislature: Attacking LGBT Equality

Click below for contact information of committee members. Wednesday, April 15 House State Affairs Committee On Wednesday, we will see yet another legislative hearing on a bill attacking LGBT Texans. This bill takes aim on a particularly vulnerable population — transgender teens. HB 2801 by state Rep. Gilbert Peña, R-Pasadena, would subject any school district […]

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