TFN Insider at the Texas SBOE

TFN Insider will be blogging today from the Texas State Board of Education hearing on proposed new social studies curriculum standards.  The Dallas Morning News provides a good preview of the expected debate over the standards. Money quote: “Unlike science, where most of the debate was over evolution, the list of items to be discussed […]

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No to Grammar, But Yes to John Wayne?

David Barton is complaining about a bogus “war on Christmas” in proposed new social studies curriculum standards, but what about his “war on grammar”? And Barton has also complained that too many “insignificant” historial figures have been included in the standards, crowding out people he thinks are more important. So why is he proposing that […]

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David Barton Thinks You’re Stupid

That seems a reasonable conclusion after reading David Barton’s review of the first draft of new social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. He clearly hopes that Texans are gullible enough to buy the “war on Christmas” nonsense he and other far-right fanatics have been screaming about the last few years. Barton’s review attacks curriculum […]

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