TFN Brings Dionne to Austin on Thursday

The religious right is still a powerful force in Texas, but is it finally on the decline in the rest of the country? That’s what E.J. Dionne, the award-winning columnist for The Washington Post, suggests in his best-selling book Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics after the Religious Right. You can still reserve a seat to hear […]

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First Amendment? Not in Mississippi

Texas isn’t the only state that is constitutionally challenged. In fact, Mississippi is giving us a run for our money when it comes to (willful?) ignorance about what the First Amendment means. Earlier this summer, our friends at Advocates for Youth brought us the disturbing tale of an abstinence-only rally/evangelical prayer meeting sponsored by the […]

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Blogging from the Social Studies Hearing III

2:25 – The board broke for lunch after David Barton’s comments. Next up will be comments from representatives of the social studies curriculum writing teams. 2:48 – The board is going through each grade level, listening to the curriculum writers. Nothing particularly controversial. 2:52 – Curriculum writers are using this opportunity to defend themselves against […]

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Blogging from the Social Studies Hearing II

11:49 – Another gem from Rev. Marshall’s testimony earlier: “All men are created equal… this has been the basis of every great social crisis through American history. It was the basis for the American Revolution, the abolition of slavery, the women’s movement, the civil right movement, and is the basis for the modern-day pro-life movement.” […]

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