Texas SBOE Fails Students on LGBTQ-Inclusion, Climate Change

The State Board of Education’s refusal even to acknowledge the existence of LGBTQ people in new health curriculum standards is a tragic failure to help ensure that Texas public schools are safe and inclusive for all students, Texas Freedom Network President Val Benavidez said today. […]

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Every Vote Matters: Our Work for a New Texas Continues

The ballot counting in key states has served as an important reminder: Every vote matters. Now we know that change is coming for our nation after four long years of darkness and division. Achieving this milestone reflects the long-term organizing that has occurred in many states across the country. Our long-term organizing in Texas continues. […]

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Anti-Vaccine/Anti-Science Extremists Line Up Behind Texas Republicans and Against Public Health

The COVID-19 death toll — at 215,000 so far in the United States — should make pretty clear how important it is for elected leaders to follow the science on public health issues. But too many Texas Republicans have aligned themselves with ideological extremists and conspiracy theorists who are undermining an effective public health response […]

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