Hysterics on Display

We’re following up on last week’s hearing in the Texas House on the so-called anti-Sharia bills. Take a look at this clip from the Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee which took testimony on HB 911 by state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, and HB 3027 by state Rep. Randy Weber, R-Pearland. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rODFnmnCOs0&w=480&h=390] […]

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Huckabee’s Jeremiah Wright?

Mike Huckabee should stop by the TFN website for the scoop on Texas’ own David Barton. The former — and maybe future — contender for the Republican presidential nomination made an appearance Wednesday on The Daily Show, where Jon Stewart spent most of the interview asking the former governor of Arkansas, “What about Dave?” In […]

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Tweeting Traditional Values

And here we thought naming our hypothetical center for family and traditional values after icon of manliness and far-right hero Chuck Norris was pretty clever. But someone has taken it further and created a twitter account mocking the budget amendment by state Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center. “The University of Texas Wayne Christian Center for Baby-Making […]

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