Public Education Hater Rick Santorum to Speak at Texas Home School Coalition Gala

It’s one thing to support the right of parents to educate their own children at home. But are right-wing groups like the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) simply hostile to the concept of public education altogether? Sure seems like it considering that former Pennsylvania senator and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum will be the […]

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Rick Green Wants Your Money So He Can 'Inspire' People with His Peculiar Versions of American History

Well, maybe not your money. But Rick Green is trying to talk gullible right-wingers into forking over $45,000 to fund a vanity project — a “reality show” featuring his family traveling the country and teaching folks about America: “Red, White, Blue, & Green” is an entertaining message of hope for America as you follow the […]

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When It Comes to Attacking Public Schools, Ohio Rep Has Nothing on Texas Pols

Folks in Ohio are upset after a Republican state legislator there criticized public education as a failure because, he says, it’s socialism. But he’s got nothing on the anti-public education fanatics we elect here in Texas. Ohio state Rep. Andrew Brenner wrote about public schools in a blog post on March 3 titled “Public education […]

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Why Is Greg Abbott Still Associating with Extremists?

When it comes to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot, at least one thing has become abundantly clear: he doesn’t have a problem sharing the stage with some of the nation’s most extreme, divisive and hateful figures. That conclusion is underscored by the news that Abbott will be a featured speaker next month at a Texas Renewal […]

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Group Prepares to Anoint Greg Abbott as Religious Right's Favored Candidate in Texas Governor's Race

In 2005 the Texas Restoration Project hosted a series of events to recruit pastors in support of Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election campaign the following year. Essentially the same group of religious-right leaders — now organized as the Texas Renewal Project — is preparing to do the same thing in support Attorney General Greg Abbott’s […]

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