Greg Abbott's Pitiful Defense of Inequality

Opponents of marriage equality keep trotting out the same tired arguments in an attempt to justify legalized discrimination against LGBT families. In state after state, federal courts keep knocking those arguments down. But Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott makes essentially the same already-rejected arguments anyway in a new court brief defending the Texas ban on same-sex marriage. From the Texas […]

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Very Petty, Attorney General Abbott

The First Amendment might protect the right of Americans “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” but some Texans found out today that it doesn’t bar elected officials from insulting people who exercise that right. Today Equality Texas tried to deliver to the office of state Attorney General Greg Abbott thousands of petitions from Texans asking Abbott […]

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Houston Anti-Gay Leader Issues Chilling Call in Effort to Repeal Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Dave Welch, head of the far-right Houston Area Pastor Council and one of the leading voices of anti-gay hate in Texas, is calling for “imprecatory prayers” as Houston officials review petition signatures from supporters of overturning the city’s new anti-discrimination ordinance. Imprecatory prayers are those that ask God to burden, curse or even destroy wicked individuals […]

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#ThrowBackTexas: Jon Stewart Explains the Unexplainable at the State Board of Education

It’s #ThrowbackThursday, and rather than posting pictures of the horrible outfit you wore 20 years ago, why not drop a little knowledge on your friends? Right now the State Board of Education is trying to #ThrowbackTexas to a scarier time. In the alternate version of history promoted by some board members, slavery wasn’t that big of […]

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Marco Rubio Says Opponents of Marriage Equality Are Victims of 'Intolerance'

Religious-righters and allied politicians who are unyielding opponents of marriage equality for LGBT people have a peculiar view of “intolerance.” In a speech today at Catholic University in the nation’s capital, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, complained that he and others who reject legal recognition of same-sex marriages are unfairly called haters and  bigots: “Even before this speech is over, I will […]

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