Texas Isn't the Only State Where the Right Is Pushing Indoctrination Instead of Education in Public Schools

Members of the Texas State Board of Education aren’t the only politicians pushing the national campaign to turn public schools into tools for indoctrinating students with right-wing ideology. A columnist for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel looks at how that campaign is unfolding in other states. In Florida, for example, lawmakers are pushing a bill that would require […]

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The Reason for the Season?

We suppose nothing says “Jesus is the reason for the season” better than a photo of … uh … Santa Claus. It’s amusing how the Austin-based, religious-right group Texas Values is promoting the so-called “Merry Christmas Law” it helped pass last year. The group says the law protects religious freedom. And this month it held a press conference to highlight the […]

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Religious-Righters Threaten to Sue Plano for Right to Discriminate

Plano on Monday joined the growing list of cities across Texas with ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as other characteristics like sex, race, religion and military status. Predictably, religious-righters are angry that they might be stopped from firing, evicting or denying public services to people they don’t like — especially gay or […]

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Exporting Hate

The Houston Area Pastor Council/Texas Pastor Council isn’t satisfied with trying to repeal Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Now the extremists at HAPC are working to defeat similar anti-discrimination measures in other cities, like Fayetteville, Arkansas. The Houston City Council passed HERO last spring, barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, race, religion, military status and other […]

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