Tell Texas Lawmakers You Support Access to Birth Control for Teen Parents

When Texas lawmakers two years ago passed extreme legislation limiting access to abortion care, they promised to come back this legislative session to address the issue of unintended pregnancy. Now they can take a first step toward keeping that promise. The State Affairs Committee of the Texas House is set on Wednesday to hear testimony […]

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Texas GOP Legislator Matt Krause Decides Discrimination Is More Important Than Jobs for Texans

On Monday state Rep. Jason Villalba, R-Dallas, said he would no longer support his HJR 55, a controversial state constitutional amendment that supporters claim protects religious freedom in Texas but in reality opens the door to using religion to discriminate and harm others. On Wednesday, state Rep. Matt Krause, R-Fort Worth, refiled the measure as HJR 125. […]

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TFN Supports Marlise’s Law and the Right to Make Decisions about End-of-Life Care

One of the most appalling examples of the contempt many politicians and religious-right activists have for the freedom of Texans to make even the most intimate decisions about their own health care was the case of Marlise Muñoz last year. Marlise was 14 weeks into a pregnancy when she suffered a pulmonary embolism. Although doctors declared her brain dead and she had previously […]

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Former NFLer, Fox Sports Analyst Craig James Says Satan Is Behind Movement for LGBT Equality

Former NFL player and football TV analyst Craig James is fully embracing his new job as an anti-gay activist for religious-right groups. Now he’s suggesting that supporters of LGBT equality are doing Satan’s work. Late last week the Texan talked on a radio program from the Family Research Council — which the Southern Poverty Law Center labels an anti-gay […]

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