Drama in the Texas Lege: Anti-LGBT Discrimination Bill Stopped Again, But Another Fight on the Way

UPDATE, 10 a.m., May 28: State Sen. Eddie Lucio, R-Brownsville, announced Wednesday night that he was withdrawing from Senate consideration the bill he had revised to include language barring state and local officials from providing or recognizing marriage licenses for same-sex couples. Earlier in the day, state Rep. Scott Sanford, R-McKinney, passed up a final […]

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Texas Senate Committee Revives Zombie Marriage Discrimination Bill

We’ve been warning that this was possible — no bill is ever entirely dead until the Legislature goes home. We just sent out the following press release: Just two weeks after it died in the Texas House, a measure designed to subvert a potential U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down the state’s ban on same-sex […]

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Poll: Big Shifts in American Views on Social Issues

A new Gallup poll has some troubling news for the religious right: For the first time since the firm began asking the question in 1999, the percentage of Americans identifying as liberal on social issues is the same as the percentage identifying as socially conservative. The poll, conducted May 6-10, shows that 31 percent of Americans […]

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Texas AG Paxton Praises Louisiana Governor’s Discrimination Order

As this year’s legislative session nears an end in Texas, major bills promoting discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are stalled. So what happens if none of those bills passes? Our neighboring state to the east might be providing one possible answer. On Tuesday a legislative committee in Louisiana essentially rejected a sweeping, Indiana-style discrimination […]

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Anti-LGBT Discrimination Amendments Are a Danger in Texas House on Thursday

We’re down to just 12 days left in the 2015 legislative session in Texas, and attacks on LGBT equality are becoming increasingly desperate. Rumors are swirling about potential amendments to SB 2065, which is scheduled for debate by the Texas House on Thursday. Religious-right groups are clamoring for passage of SB 2065, which they say […]

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