Texas GOPer Calls for Driving Gay People Out of Houston, Treating Them Like the Nazis in World War II

https://twitter.com/cd_hooks/status/631990258620497920 The campaign to repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) became even more vile Thursday night when one of the anti-HERO campaign leaders insisted that gay and transgender people should be forced to leave Houston and even suggested that they face the same destruction the American military inflicted on Nazi Germany. Christopher Hooks at the Texas Observer reported from […]

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Folding Like a Cheap Suit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s personal jihad against the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples is falling apart. Faced with a possible contempt charge from an angry federal judge, Paxton this week decided the state must acknowledge the legally married spouses of same-sex couples on both death and birth certificates. Paxton’s office had advised Texas […]

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‘Houston Unites’ Launches Campaign to Support Equal Rights Ordinance

The Texas Freedom Network has joined with a broad coalition of civil liberties organizations, faith leaders and others to defend the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Religious-right opponents have succeeded in putting repeal of that ordinance on the November ballot. The coalition supporting HERO, Houston Unites Against Discrimination, sent out the following release this morning: […]

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Houston Pastor: Opposing Discrimination Is ‘What Jesus Calls Me to Do’

With the question of repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) headed to a November ballot, pro-discrimination activists on the religious right are portraying the battle as one against the “presence of evil.” Sadly but predictably, those activists seek once again to use faith as a political weapon to divide Houstonians and promote discrimination — particularly against the LGBT community (even though HERO […]

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Far-right GOP Group Sets Hate Tour Dates Across Texas

Houston-based Conservative Republicans of Texas, run by the rabidly anti-gay Steven Hotze, announced today a list of events stretching from August into the fall that will target “adversaries” who support LGBT equality and abortion rights: “Christian, it’s time for us to stand up and fight to take back our government from the godless Secular Humanists, Pro-Abortionists and Political […]

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