Texas GOPer Calls for Driving Gay People Out of Houston, Treating Them Like the Nazis in World War II

Steve Hotze just pulled out a sword on stage pic.twitter.com/SZIoXdBzsN — Christopher Hooks (@cd_hooks) August 14, 2015 The campaign to repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) became even more vile Thursday night when one of the anti-HERO campaign leaders insisted that gay and transgender people should be forced to leave Houston and even suggested that they face the […]

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Folding Like a Cheap Suit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s personal jihad against the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples is falling apart. Faced with a possible contempt charge from an angry federal judge, Paxton this week decided the state must acknowledge the legally married spouses of same-sex couples on both death and birth certificates. Paxton’s office had advised Texas […]

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‘Houston Unites’ Launches Campaign to Support Equal Rights Ordinance

The Texas Freedom Network has joined with a broad coalition of civil liberties organizations, faith leaders and others to defend the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Religious-right opponents have succeeded in putting repeal of that ordinance on the November ballot. The coalition supporting HERO, Houston Unites Against Discrimination, sent out the following release this morning: […]

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Houston Pastor: Opposing Discrimination Is ‘What Jesus Calls Me to Do’

With the question of repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) headed to a November ballot, pro-discrimination activists on the religious right are portraying the battle as one against the “presence of evil.” Sadly but predictably, those activists seek once again to use faith as a political weapon to divide Houstonians and promote discrimination — particularly against the LGBT community (even though HERO […]

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Far-right GOP Group Sets Hate Tour Dates Across Texas

Houston-based Conservative Republicans of Texas, run by the rabidly anti-gay Steven Hotze, announced today a list of events stretching from August into the fall that will target “adversaries” who support LGBT equality and abortion rights: “Christian, it’s time for us to stand up and fight to take back our government from the godless Secular Humanists, Pro-Abortionists and Political […]

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