Welcome to the 21st Century

Sort of. From Associated Press: Alabama is updating its decade-old science standards to require that students understand evolution and learn about climate change, topics that can still be controversial in the Bible Belt state. Educators say the new rules — part of a major change that includes more experimentation and hands-on instruction and less lecturing […]

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Americans Oppose Kim Davis: Individual Religious Beliefs Don’t Trump Equality Under the Law

Religious-right activists and politicians like Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz have been scrambling over each other to proclaim their support for Kim Davis. But a new poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose the Kentucky clerk’s refusal, on religious grounds, to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Released this morning, the ABC News/Washington Post poll […]

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The Marriage of Ted Cruz and David Barton

It’s a political marriage, at any rate. David Barton, the religious right’s favorite phony historian and political propagandist, is taking over leadership of the super-PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate and Texas senator Ted Cruz. According to the Bloomberg news service, Keep the Promise PAC is the umbrella organization for a group of related pro-Cruz political committees that raised $38 million […]

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Houston Chronicle Slams ‘Bathroom’ Nonsense from Pro-Discrimination Extremists

Even before the Houston City Council passed the Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) in May of last year, opponents claimed — without a shred of evidence — that the anti-discrimination measure would allow sexual predators into public restrooms to assault women and children. That cynical and deeply disingenuous claim is the central argument HERO opponents are making in their campaign to repeal the […]

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