Texas Ed Board Targets ‘Pro-Islamic Bias’

Need more evidence that Texas State Board of Education members are more interested in promoting “culture war” politics than ensuring schoolchildren get a quality education? Just months after politicizing new social studies curriculum standards for public schools, the state board next week will consider a resolution criticizing publishers for allegedly promoting anti-Christian and pro-Islamic bias […]

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Barton Turns Up the Volume

The religious right’s minister of propaganda, David Barton of the Texas-based group WallBuilders, is helping turn up the volume in the right’s anti-Muslim campaign. Barton’s Internet radio program this week features two shows on the controversy over a proposed Islamic community center near 9/11’s Ground Zero in New York. Expect both shows to be virulently […]

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Texas and Iran?

Uh oh. The respected journal Foreign Policy has a new article listing the places where you will find the worst textbooks. Headlined “The World’s Worst Textbooks,” the article notes: “As students around the world head back to school, many of the lessons they’re learning are not only false — they’re dangerous.” According to the journal, […]

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TFN on the Road

We wanted to let readers know about opportunities to meet Texas Freedom Network staff members and learn more about the organization in events this fall. TFN’s annual members’ reception in Houston is set for September 21. Click here to learn more and to register to attend. Our annual members’ reception in San Antonio is on […]

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