Rick Perry: Pretend Outsider, Real Insider

Texas Gov. Rick Perry likes to pretend that he’s leading an insurgent battle against a tyrannical federal government, even going so far as to flirt with secessionists. Now the Republican presidential candidate is also trying to persuade voters that he wants to crack down on elected officials who use their office and political connections for […]

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Too Poor to Vote?

A Houston Tea Party group that made wild charges about “voter fraud” in Harris County last year apparently thinks folks should learn more about the ideas of a far-right extremist who believes that registering poor people to vote is un-American. We wonder whether Plano-based Liberty Institute, the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family that […]

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Down the Memory Hole?

Nov. 14 UPDATE: Prof. Erekson’s report has been reposted on the Social Studies Collaborative website. The copyright has been changed to Prof. Erekson, dropping the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board copyright. The THECB’s logo has also been dropped from the report. —– Is the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board trying to “disappear” last week’s report […]

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TX SBOE Chair Is Trying to Hide the Truth

The news media is picking up on the story we broke Monday about a report for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that sharply criticizes new history curriculum standards adopted by the State Board of Education (SBOE) last year. And as the controversy grows, SBOE Chairwoman Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, is trying desperately to hide […]

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Perry Backer Pro-Family or Pro-Deadbeat Dad?

The far-right Family Research Council, which helped organize Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s “The Response” prayer event in Houston last August, appears to have no sense of irony (or shame). FRC has named U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., a “True Blue” member of Congress because of his “unwavering support of the family.” We suspect Walsh’s ex-wife […]

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