TFN’s Kathy Miller Talks about New Documentary on the Texas SBOE

Austin’s KVUE-TV has a story this evening about “The Revisionaries,” the new documentary focusing on the Texas State Board of Education that premiered this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller talked to KVUE about how the state board has put politics and personal agendas ahead of […]

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‘Reality by majority vote’

Key moment from last night’s Colbert Report interview with Don “Somebody’s gotta stand up to experts” McLeroy? That probably came when host Stephen Colbert asked the former Texas State Board of Education chairman who decides what information gets into textbooks: Colbert: “I imagined that experts wrote textbooks, but in fact it gets voted on at […]

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Texas Anti-Immigration Group Promotes Videos Targeting Muslims, Mexicans

We’ve been reading news of an audio recording of controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio joking before a Texas anti-immigration group in 2009 about his refusal to cooperate in a federal investigation into racial profiling. Just as troubling as Arpaio’s 2009 speech to the group, however, might be the group he was speaking to: Texans For […]

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Former Texas Ed Board Creationist Don McLeroy on Colbert Report Tonight

This should be fun. Don McLeroy, the former chairman of the State Board of Education and a leader in efforts to undermine instruction on evolution and rewrite what students learn about American history, is scheduled as a guest on the Colbert Report tonight. McLeroy’s appearance on Stephen Colbert’s show comes after Friday’s premiere at the […]

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