Anti-LGBT Haters to Speak at Texas Capitol on Same Day as Anti-Transgender Bill Hearing

This is hardly a coincidence. The State Affairs Committee of the Texas Senate has scheduled a public hearing for Senate Bill 6, the transgender discrimination bill, on the same day that a parade of prominent anti-LGBT speakers will join Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton at a so-called “Pastors’ Briefing” at the […]

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TFN Statement: Proposed Bills Radically Redefine ‘Religious Freedom’ to Mean Using Religion to Discriminate

Speaking at a press conference organized by an extremist anti-LGBT group, a number of Texas legislators today called for passage of bills they said would protect “religious freedom.” But those bills really are designed to allow individuals and businesses to use religion to discriminate. We just sent out the following statement: […]

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