House Budget Vote: Big Defeat for School Vouchers, But the Right’s War on Women’s Health Care Continues

A marathon session in the Texas House on that chamber’s version of the state budget ended in the wee hours of this morning with a big victory in our fight against school voucher schemes but distressing actions in the continuing war on women’s reproductive health care. […]

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Yes, the Texas Anti-LGBT Bills Really Are About Hate and Discrimination

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick insists that SB 6 — the so-called “bathroom bill” — isn’t about discriminating against transgender Texans. It is, of course. Patrick’s own actions, and the actions of religious-right extremists he has brought in to help pass this discrimination bill, make that clear. […]

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Texas SB 522 Allows County Clerks to Discriminate Against Virtually Anyone

The Texas Senate State Affairs Committee today heard testimony on yet another of the 17 proposed bills that would allow the use of religion to discriminate against LGBT Texans. But the bill is so broad that it would allow public officials to discriminate against virtually anyone. We just sent out the following press release: […]

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#StopSB6: Tuesday’s Public Hearing on the Anti-Transgender Discrimination Bill in the Texas Senate

The avalanche of anti-LGBT discrimination bills has begun to move in the Texas Legislature. The Senate State Affairs Committee has set a hearing at 8 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, for Senate Bill 6, a bill that specifically targets transgender Texans for discrimination. Here’s everything you need to know to prepare for the hearing. For SB6 […]

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