Fort Worth Seminary President: Welfare State Paving the Way for the Antichrist!

Here’s another sad example of the religious right using faith as a political weapon. Earlier this month we told you about Dallas First Baptist Church pastor Robert Jeffress claiming that President Obama’s policies are “paving the way for the Antichrist.” Now Paige Patterson, president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, seems to be backing up […]

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Rick Perry Stands Up for Science? Oh Please.

Interesting tweet from Team Rick Perry today:  “Science needs to be part of the conversation on decriminalization of drugs.” @GovernorPerry #WEF14 #health — Team Rick Perry (@TeamRickPerry) January 23, 2014 Wait. Is this the same Rick Perry who says Texas public school science classes should teach creationism alongside evolution? Who, in fact, claimed in […]

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Does Texas Values Also Support School Segregation and the Ban on Interracial Marriage?

Was it wrong for the federal courts to force an end to school segregation and the ban on interracial marriage in Texas? One might be excused for wondering whether the folks at Texas Values think so. Texas Values, lobby arm of the right-wing, Plano-based group Liberty Institute, insists today that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott […]

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