Texans Taking Care of Texans: Meet This Quarter’s Super Volunteers

TFN has always fought for Texas school children at the SBOE. But our work would be impossible without the dedication of volunteers who sign up to testify, recruit others to testify, organize at local school board levels, and respond to our various calls to action. While our fight at the SBOE is far from over, we recently sat down with two super volunteers for a brief chat. This is the first installment of a running series.  […]

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SBOE Watch: How the Board Reached its Latest Decision and What’s Next

Last week, the State Board of Education chose to delay the Social Studies TEKS revision, wasting $200,000 of state funds allocated to workgroups while silencing the voices of our communities. Flooded with misinformation, overwhelmed by public testimony from a small, extremist group of testifiers who opposed an inclusive curriculum, the board bowed to pressure and failed to do its job.    […]

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