Are You a Christian or Judeo-Christian Voter?

The religious right insists on using faith to divide Americans. So with voters headed to the polls on Tuesday, the website for WallBuilders — David Barton’s Texas-based group that opposes separation of church and state — offers two links to voter guides: one for Christians and one for “Judeo-Christians.” (Click the image below to see what we mean.) Both links take readers to a map showing all the states. Interestingly, clicking on “Texas” gets you the same voter guides whether you accessed the map for Christians or “Judeo-Christians.” Maybe this is a “separate but equal” kind of thing.

4 thoughts on “Are You a Christian or Judeo-Christian Voter?

  1. By “Judeo-Christian” I assume you really, really mean “judeo – C H R I S T I A N ”

    I don’t know how many “Judeo-Christians” I’ve asked what the “Judeo” part refers to and they haven’t the foggiest idea. I guess it sounds better than “Bigoted-Christian” or pick your own prefix.

  2. I know the difference. Yeah, that’s got to be the ticket. The Judeo-Christian Voter’s Guide has a 50% off coupon for lox and bagels (limit one per customer). I sometimes think David Barton must view himself as the P.T. Barnum of Christian fundamentalism and right wing politics.

  3. My guess is that “Judeo-Christians” might be a reference to messianic Jews: Christians who follow Halakha. But the fact that they’re Christians means that…..they’re Christians.

    I haven’t the foggiest idea what the purpose of such a distinction might be. Suffice to say there must be something in it for them. Maybe it’s a way for Wallbuilders to track who among them is a Christian and who is a messyantic Jew?


  4. I’m not sure if I’m a Christian or a Judeo-Christian, but one thing I am sure of is that I’m not going to let the likes of David “Wall Builders” Barton tell me how to vote.

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