The Week in Quotes (March 18 – 24)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

Phillip Hamilton, publisher of a local newspaper near Lubbock, who removed John Gambill’s name from his mother-in-law’s obituary. Hamilton cited “religious and ethical reasons” as justification for discriminating against the grieving couple who have been together for 31 years.

“It is my religious conviction that a male cannot have a husband. It is also my belief that to publish anything contrary to God’s Word on this issue would be to publish something in the newspaper that is not true.”


PhD student Gregory Pulte’s take on some members of the SBOE pushing the development of a Latino Studies curriculum over Mexican American Studies.

In this case, the groups at odds are those who favor MAS versus SBOE members bent on denying MAS to Texas students despite Texas’ unique history, our strong demographic representation of Mexican American youth in our schools and a successfully proven curriculum.


Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., the ranking Democrat on the Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee.

“After more than a year on the job, I would have hoped Secretary DeVos would have learned by now that her extreme ideas to privatize our nation’s public schools and dismantle the Department of Education do not have support among parents or in Congress, but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case.”


Yasmin Vafa, co-founder and executive director of Rights4Girls, who co-authored the report Beyond The Walls: A Look at Girls in D.C.’s Juvenile Justice System.

“In many ways, [girls of color] are not seen with the same lens as other young people, and I think it says a lot about who in our society has to be seen and treated as a child.”

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