The Week in Quotes (Aug. 27 – Sept. 2)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research, on Hurricane Harvey.

“The human contribution can be up to 30 percent or so of the total rainfall coming out of the storm. It may have been a strong storm, and it may have caused a lot of problems anyway — but [human-caused climate change] amplifies the damage considerably.”


The editorial board of the Houston Chronicle

“This great city, this city we love, is being tested. With courage, with selflessness, with love for each other, we will meet that test, Harvey be damned.”


Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, on a manifesto issued by prominent evangelical leaders condemning the acceptance of “homosexual immorality or transgenderism.”

“The @CBMWorg’s so-called ‘Nashville Statement’ is poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville”


Mohammad Amin Moola, vice president of the Islamic Society of Houston, on some of the city’s mosques opening their doors as shelters for Hurricane Harvey victims.

“This is what we are, as true Americans. When the time comes, we are one family.”


San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, shortly before the city council voted 10-1 to remove a Confederate memorial from Travis Park.

“This monument glorifies a lost cause that this city fundamentally rejects today, just as it did in 1861.”

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