The Week in Quotes (April 9 – 15)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

New York Times opinion writer Margaret Renkl

“Every day brings word of a new Trump-inflicted human-rights calamity, and every day a resistance is growing that I would not have imagined possible, a coalition of people on the left and the right who have never before seen themselves as allies. In working together, I hope we’ll end up with something that looks a lot like a Christian nation — not in doctrine but in practice, caring for the least among us and loving our neighbors as ourselves.”


U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos, in the latest ruling declaring Texas’ voter ID law intentionally discriminatory against minority voters.

“Racial discrimination need not be the primary purpose as long as it is one purpose.”


TFN President Kathy Miller, on the Texas Senate’s passage of a bill that would allow county clerks to cite personal religious beliefs to opt out of issuing marriage licenses.

“The Texas Senate today said it has no problem with public officials picking and choosing which taxpayers they will serve. This bill opens the door to taxpayer-funded discrimination against virtually anyone who doesn’t meet a public official’s personal moral standards.”


TFN President Kathy Miller, following a press conference by Senate Bill 6 supporters to pressure Texas House members to pass their bill.

“Lt. Gov. Patrick and his supporters on both sides of the Capitol desperately want to make these bills about religious freedom and protecting women and children, but they’re not about any of that. These bills are really about discrimination and hurting people because of who they are or whom they love. It’s disturbing when politicians use faith and misleading claims about safety and privacy to hide their true intentions, which in this case is to scapegoat and malign LGBT people to score political points with their base.”


Houston Chronicle columnist Chris Tomlinson

“Every employer in the state should be outraged that the Senate is putting politics ahead of ensuring that our colleges and universities educate our children so Texas can thrive in a more technical and competitive world.”

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