You Should Read This Because It’s About Beyoncé

Actually, this post has more to do with the great work TFN’s student activists are doing as part of the Texas Rising program, but Beyoncé is a big part of this. She can be an even bigger part of this, a giant part, if she wants to.

Beyoncé, if you happen to read this, be a hero. Or more to the point, #BeyBeAHERO.

Earlier this week Carlos Maza wrote in the Huffington Post about how Beyoncé could come to the rescue of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which is facing an up or down vote in Beyoncé’s hometown this November. It’s true, someone with Beyoncé’s star power bringing attention to what will likely be a contentious fight for equality could tip the scales, and save HERO.

Unfortunately, none of us or anyone we know had Beyoncé’s cell phone number. We do, however, know where to find her online.

“After reading the headline for the Huffington post blog, I started thinking that we could use the power of social media to get Beyoncé to voice her opinion,” said Ismael Melendez of the TFN student chapter at UT-Rio Grande Valley. “I quickly started thinking about hashtags #BeyHero, #HeroBey, #BeyBeAHERO.”

Then Aracely Garcia of the chapter at the University of Houston-Downtown joined in.

“I saw the Huffington Post article posted by Jaime in the TFN organizing group,” Aracely said. “I read through it and though it was probably a really good idea! Then Ismael began the hash tag and I thought maybe I should make a quick graphic, nothing fancy. I sent it to all my friends as soon as I finished it and gave them background info on HERO. Next thing I know, strangers around Houston began posting the pic!!!”

A few days later, the effort to draft Beyoncé as a pro-HERO advocate is taking off. You can see for yourself here.

And you can check out the media reaction here (Salon), here (BuzzFeed), here (UPWORTHY), here (NBC) and here (Free Press Houston).

“I never thought so many people would get involved,” Ismael said. “It really was an Internet effort by people who believe in equality and want people to have equal opportunities to succeed in society, and who love Bey.”

“Even if Beyoncé does not respond, I am still very grateful for all of the coverage it is receiving, Aracely said. “I know so many young folks who aren’t even aware of what the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance is, so all of this attention could help bring more Houstonians to the polls in support of HERO, come November. I would be so thrilled if Beyoncé responded, I know she cares about Houston as much as Houstonians love her! She is the HERO Houston needs AND Deserves!”

So, will Beyoncé respond? We don’t know, but we hope so.

Regardless, we encourage you to join TFN’s student activists in this campaign by tweeting at Beyoncé or tagging her on Instagram (she’s @Beyonce on both networks).

While we’re waiting to find out if they got Beyoncé’s attention, here’s the viral clip of her celebrating an earlier win for equality: the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld the freedom to marry.

2 thoughts on “You Should Read This Because It’s About Beyoncé

  1. If this keeps going, someone is gonna get sued—and it ain’t gonna be Dave Welch. Youthful passion is sometimes dangerous—and in this case—I think it is.

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