The Week in Quotes (Oct. 20 – 26)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

The latest from TFN’s Stand Up for Science campaign.

Lubbock is flat. Earth is not.

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Former Texas congressman Tom DeLay, telling a tea party gathering that he has received a calling from God.

It’s time for a constitutional renewal, a constitutional revival.

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David Green, a minister of the Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, writing that intelligent design is best taught in church and not in public schools.

Proponents of intelligent design feel their faith is discriminated against by not being given voice in public school. I’ve no issue with anyone who believes in creationism. The problem is, not everyone shares that belief. Many people of sincere faith understand Genesis not as science or historical fact but as a faith story, and they don’t think evolution is an attack on belief in a creator God.

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Jim Doyle of political action committee the Texas Ethics Advisory Board.

We kind of go after any of these people who support leftist candidates, especially. And they are, I believe, homosexuals. And homosexuals are completely united politically and everybody else is not. You see? And that’s why they are as successful as they’ve been for such a small number of people in the population. So we wanted to check them out especially to see whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it according to the law. Because they are united in such a way that it’s almost a conspiracy to impose their will politically on society.

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Pope Francis, warning Christians against turning their faith into a rigid ideology.

The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people and distances of the Church of the people. But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh?

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Jason Pickel, who used tribal law to marry his boyfriend in Oklahoma, becoming the first same-sex couple to do so in a state that prohibits same-sex marriage.

I was really expecting a big no. I thought we’re on our way to Iowa, but I called the tribe and they said, ‘Yeah come on down, it’s twenty bucks.’

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Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, telling Glenn Beck that the media in this country has an “evil agenda” for destroying the country.

In your previous segment you were talking about imagining America. I’ll tell you what, it almost seemed like I was listening to what was happening in Cuba during Castro. The very same thing, the ministry of misinformation that you have in all the communist countries. Well did you know, Glenn, we have a ministry of misinformation in this country? It’s called the liberal media, and they just tell us what they want us to hear. They are rewriting history.

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Conservative radio host Michael Berry, introducing Sen. Ted Cruz at a tea party rally.

I feel a little bit like I’m introducing Davy Crockett after the Alamo has fallen.

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Former Baptist pastor and Tea Party Unity founder Rick Scarborough discussing a new anti-gay strategy with conservative activist Peter LaBarbera.

The whole issue of a class action lawsuit, you and I have talked about this a little bit.

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Oprah Winfrey to long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad.

Well, I don’t call you an atheist then. I think if you believe in the awe and the wonder and the mystery, then that is what God is. That is what God is. It’s not a bearded guy in the sky.

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Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk, who has become the religious right’s newest poster boy in its campaign to persuade Americans that allowing openly gay people to serve in the military has put religious freedom at risk.

Christians have to go into the closet. … We are being robbed of our dignity and respect. We can’t be who we are.

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BONUS: Texas attorney general and Republican candidate for governor Greg Abbott asked his Facebook fans for advice on how to make Texas better. The result was amazing.

3 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Oct. 20 – 26)

  1. The Facebook comments just make me sad that there are that many illiterate idiots out there. And to put the last comment “Curtis Ballew: “succeed from the union” in the positive comments makes me wonder if the censors are any better. What do you suppose Ballew had in mind – succeed or secede. Makes a big difference.

    1. Indeed they meant, “secede”. I can’t always spell secede correctly but I know it from “succeed” for sure.

      This proves two things.

      One is that the great state of Texas isn’t educating its masses adequately. So, the top priority for anyone who is elected is to improve education in Texas (Not if one relies on such voters to get elected).

      Two is that these guys who are poorly educated are biting off too much. They have opinions on economics, politics, environment, resources and the society at large. I guess they think improperly that expressing their opinions vehemently in public somehow compensates for the lack of knowledge on these subjects.

      1. They get there knowledge on these other subjects from Fox News—the tell the dumbass people what they want to hear rather than the truth channel.

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